Youth Group
Our energetic youth meet once a month following worship service for a meal, bell practice,
and an activity to highlight the current church season or mission project within the church.
For more information email our pastor ([email protected]) and we will get you connected
with our Youth Group leadership.
The A Mighty Fortress WELCA group meets the second Wednesday of every month with an in-person and virtual option. Join us at 4pm for conversation, devotion, and fellowship. All woman are welcome! Want more information?
Email Pastor Molly ([email protected]) and she will get you connected with our WELCA leadership.
Email Pastor Molly ([email protected]) and she will get you connected with our WELCA leadership.
Our LMM group meets throughout the year on Saturday mornings in the Fellowship Hall - all men are welcome! A breakfast is provided, and then they have fellowship and a Bible Study. Our LMM group usually stays busy planning future service projects. If you are curious about our LMM group, email Pastor ([email protected]) and she will get you connected with our LMM leadership.