We believe that Jesus Christ came
to reveal the fullness of God's love for us,
and we continue to celebrate that love
through praise, sacraments, service, and community.
At A Mighty Fortress - We walk by faith -
a living, daring confidence in God's grace -
and believe that God is truly present
and at work in the world and in our lives.
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News & Events
Saturday February 22 at 10am Come join the fun and get new ZOOM bags ready for our neighbors! ZOOM stands for Ziploc Outreach Opportunities Ministry and is a gallon sized plastic bag that contains non-perishable food items, a prayer for our neighbors, and other seasonally needed items (socks, hygiene items.) These prepared kits are always available in the narthex of the church for anyone to take on Sunday to be ready to show kindness to any in need. |
Women of AMF February is a busy Month!
· February 15, 2025 at 10:30: Women of Paw Creek Presbyterian have invited us to the 32nd Ecumenical Luncheon. We are to register by February 10 (let Sharon know if you will be attending). We are to bring salads, a $1 donation and canned good for the food pantry. Guest speaker is Rhonda McClain.
Join us for Faith Development class with Pastor Pettit!
For most of us our Confirmation into the Lutheran faith was a few (or many) years ago. Or maybe you never had that experience of digging through Martin Luther’s small catechism. Plan to join Pastor and your fellow members in January to dig into some of the reasons why we do what we do. We plan to meet Thursdays at 12:30 in the conference room (a Zoom option is available- email [email protected] for more information). We hope to see you there! |